Select image name and destination disk |
Choose the Clonezilla live image as source image:

Select the destination disk "sda" we want to restore:

Choose the option to create the partition table on the destination. First choice is to use the partition table from image, 2nd choice is to create the partition table proportionally, i.e., if you have the image which is samved from a smaller disk, here you can create the partitions proportionally on the destination disk:

Choose to check the image integrity before really restoring the image to disk sda:

It's recommended to check the image before restoring it. You will not know if the image is broken or not. If you are really sure about the integrity is OK, then of course you can choose "-scr" to skip checking.
Select the mode you want after the image restoring is done:

By default we will choose later, but if you have decided, you can choose to reboot or poweroff the machine.
Clonezilla will prompt us the command to restore the image. This command is very useful when you want to create a customized Clonezilla live:

Since we have choosed to check the image before restoring, Clonezilla will is now checking the image:

Before starting to restore the disk image to disk sda, Clonezilla will ask you to confirm that TWICE:
