To download Clonezilla live, select the following CPU architecture and file type, then click the download button:
Release branch: alternative_testing_2, Clonezilla live version: 20250213-plucky
- Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) and Debian with Linux kernel >= 6.11 have dropped the support for i386 architecture. Therefore i386 Ubuntu-based Clonezilla live for version >= 20191024-eoan and Debian-based Clonezilla live for version >= 3.2.0-8 will be no more, only amd64 (x86-64) arch is available.
- Once you have the Clonezilla live iso or zip file, please follow this Live CD/USB doc to put it on the boot media, and follow this Live Docs to use it.
About CPU architecture
- For Ubuntu-based branch, i.e. alternative stable and alternative testing ones, only 1 CPU architecture is available:
- amd64, for use on PCs with AMD64 or Intel 64 processors. It supports multi-core processor, and multiprocessor.
- For Debian-based branch, i.e. stable and testing ones, 3 CPU architectures are available:
- amd64, for use on PCs with AMD64 or Intel 64 processors. It supports multi-core precessor, and multiprocessor.
- i686-pae, optimized for i686 CPU supporting PAE. It supports multi-core processor, and multiprocessor.
- i686, general purpose for 686 CPU. It supports one or more processors not supporting PAE.
For more info, please check this Q&A.
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About file type
- ISO file is for CD/DVD.
- Zip file is for USB flash drive or USB hard drive Check here for how to put on the boot media.
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About repository
There are 1 repositories of Clonezilla you can download:
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