
The Free and Open Source Software for Disk Imaging and Cloning
Step-by-step docs


To download Clonezilla live, select the following CPU architecture and file type, then click the download button:

Release branch: alternative_testing_2, Clonezilla live version: 20250213-plucky

1. Select CPU architecture:
2. Select file type:

  • Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) and Debian with Linux kernel >= 6.11 have dropped the support for i386 architecture. Therefore i386 Ubuntu-based Clonezilla live for version >= 20191024-eoan and Debian-based Clonezilla live for version >= 3.2.0-8 will be no more, only amd64 (x86-64) arch is available.
  • Once you have the Clonezilla live iso or zip file, please follow this Live CD/USB doc to put it on the boot media, and follow this Live Docs to use it.

About CPU architecture

  • For Ubuntu-based branch, i.e. alternative stable and alternative testing ones, only 1 CPU architecture is available:
    1. amd64, for use on PCs with AMD64 or Intel 64 processors. It supports multi-core processor, and multiprocessor.
    If you are not sure which one fits your machine, try i686 version first (slowest, but works for almost modern x86 CPUs). However, if you need uEFI secure boot, please use AMD64 version of Clonezilla live.
  • For Debian-based branch, i.e. stable and testing ones, 3 CPU architectures are available:
    1. amd64, for use on PCs with AMD64 or Intel 64 processors. It supports multi-core precessor, and multiprocessor.
    2. i686-pae, optimized for i686 CPU supporting PAE. It supports multi-core processor, and multiprocessor.
    3. i686, general purpose for 686 CPU. It supports one or more processors not supporting PAE.
    If you are not sure which one fits your machine, try AMD64 (x86-64) version first because nowadays most of the x86 CPUs run in 64-bit mode. If you have old CPU, then try i686 version of Clonezilla live. It's slowest, and should work for almost modern x86 CPUs. If you need uEFI secure boot, please use AMD64 version of Clonezilla live.
    For more info, please check this Q&A.
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About file type

  1. ISO file is for CD/DVD.
  2. Zip file is for USB flash drive or USB hard drive
  3. Check here for how to put on the boot media.
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About repository

There are 1 repositories of Clonezilla you can download:

  1. Sourceforge
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